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Haro Klunkerson Update: Haro Fusion Pedals For The Win!

My last update left the Klunkerson feeling unbalanced. These sweet new cobalt-blue Haro Fusion Pedals changed that.

It’s been almost a year with my Haro Klunkerson, and although I’ll fully admit I’ve ridden it less than I planned (because I’m lazy), I still love it. I’ve found no faults, and because I actually did some lower-body workouts last winter… I think I’m OK with the slightly-tall gearing after all.

(As long as I keep up those squats and lunges… or, you know, just actually ride my bike more.)

If you’re paying attention, you’ll know I dropped some upgrades to my Klunkerson over the winter. You can see the full setup, pre Fusion Pedals, here or below:

Haro Klunkerson 2025

I think it looks awesome—it conjures up the Rad look… part BMX, part motocross.

But with the pad-set, the grips, the donuts and the sticky fingers up front/top—all that was left to balance out the blue was the tiny valve caps and barely-noticeable chain-tensioner.

It wasn’t enough.

Enter Haro’s Fusion Pedals, bought from Harvester Bikes—a Canadian retailer of BMX stuff. I gasped a little at the $18 in shipping, but there was a promo code that sort-of evened it out. I think it ended up being about $60 total, and they arrived in a week or so.

(Via Purolator, though, my most-hated courier. And, as always, I have no affiliation or relationship with Harvester. I just shopped there. They included three sweet stickers in the order, two of which are now on my Nalgene.)

So I got to slapping them on… and oh, side note, does anyone actually like turning wrenches? Seriously. I always make these projects for myself, then it takes one stuck-thread before I’m cursing God and wondering why I made my life harder than it already is with such a pointless side-quest.

From the old beater cars I once owned, to my bikes today… I hate the grease, the banged knuckles, the frustration. My wife asks, “why not just take it to the shop then?”

Because. I. Can’t.

I don’t have a better answer than that.

Anyway, the left thread was stuck, then my wrench slipped and got stuck… then my brain wasn’t letting me figure out which way was clockwise versus counterclockwise as I switched from one side of the bike to another. Ended up taking me 30 minutes. I guess when I break it down that’s not a big deal.

But, here is the result! I love it. It balances out the look without being audacious or gaudy.

Haro Klunkerson with Haro Fusion Pedals
Haro Fusion Pedals/Haro Klunkerson
Haro Fusion Pedals/Haro Klunkerson 2
Haro Fusion Pedals/Klunkerson

And you know what? I think I’m done with my Haro Klunkerson. Honestly, I think it’s sick as-is and I won’t be adding anything more. (Famous last words.)

Here’s a side-by-side comparison of before and after the pedals:

Haro Klunkerson Mounted
Haro Klunkerson with upgrades 2

And a side-by-side comparison of the stock version versus the current version:

haro klunkerson klunker bike
Haro Klunkerson with upgrades 2

What do you think? Am I done?

1 thought on “Haro Klunkerson Update: Haro Fusion Pedals For The Win!”

  1. Pingback: Haro Klunkerson: Phase Two - Klunkers

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