My five-year-old had an accident this morning, and standing at the top of the stairs, looked me in the eyes and screamed “FUCK!”
I’m not a fan, but I’m also not a prude. Like, it was kinda funny. But I really don’t want foul-mouthed kids. The kids that swear and mortify their parents all the time. I’m sorry if this comes off elitist, but it’s trashy.
That being said, I swear. And I can appreciate the beauty of the word “fuck” sometimes. Accept no substitutes folks, it is, in some ways, a perfect word.
My favourite music repeats it. I’ve listened to hip-hop and metal since I was 10. One of my all-time favourite songs, “Killing in the Name Of,” closes with the repeated refrain: “Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me!”
It’s so powerful and important. I love it.
But I don’t love State Bicycle Co.’s RIPNDIP Klunker — FU Edition.
And I’m struggling with that a bit. Am I a prude?
Here’s the bike in question. All photo credits on this post go to State Bicycle Co.

I do like State’s Klunker. One of, if not THE, best looking factory Klunks on the market.
And I actually do appreciate the humour of this design. In theory.
But in practice… would I ride it? Nah. Would I want my kids to see it at the park? Not really, though I wouldn’t be a Karen about it.
I don’t know folks. It just seems a bit trashy to me.
I remember my older brother’s friend Lee showing up to our house as kids with a hat that said “Fuck You, You Fucking Fuck,” and my mom just sent him right back home.
Like, nope. Come back with a. different hat, Lee. That one makes you look stupid, and dumbs down everyone around you.
Of course, I just wrote “fuck” like a hundred times in this post alone. So does that make me a hypocrite?
Or is there a time and place for screaming profanity at the moon… and your local bike path just ain’t it?
Comment below and let me know what a prude I am. ‘Cause I’m conflicted here.
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